Morning Cup

For me, the first cup of fresh, hot coffee, in the morning is the most important part of the day, no one should be interrupted during that first cup!. It’s almost sacred; let me get my thoughts, along with my morning news, e-mail, together before talking to me please. Coffee legends tell the story of an Ethiopian goat herder(long ago), noticed how his goats would behave after eating berries from a certain shrub. He observed how frisky they became and decided to try it himself and coffee was born. Arabs are credited with serving coffee as a hot beverage. Empires have been founded on this drink and is enjoyed the world over millions of times each day. Just let me enjoy it quietly...then talk with me.

Blog Archive

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lake Bogue Homa

Its not often you get the chance to see what a lake looks like after it has been drained . Lake Bogue Homa was closed in late May of 2007 for repairs to its 75 year old structure. The dam required work on along its slopes ,and on the spillway. With most of the major work done, the lake was refilled, and restocked with fish. Although fishing is not permitted yet, the lake is opened for recreational boating. Families are once again grilling, and  playing along the edge of the lake.

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